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Hanover Street

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(La calle Hanover - Amor em Chamas - La calle del adios)
Hanover Street
El teniente Halloran, piloto de bombardeos, y una bella enfermera británica se enamoran, a pesar de que ella está casada. Pero es que, además, el marido debe acompañar al amante en una peligrosa misión secreta durante la cual su avión es abatido. During the Second World War, an American Pilot stationed in England meets a young British nurse during an air raid on London. The two instantly fall in love, despite the fact that the young Nurse is already married; a secret she keeps hidden from her American lover. After being shot down behind enemy lines, while being assigned to ferry a British agent into France, the American pilot realizes that his secret agent cargo is in fact his lover's husband, and that the two must now work together in order to survive.
Espanol Latino,Frances,Ingles
Chino,Espanol Latino,Frances,Ingles,Koreano,Portugues
Nota: Si no tenemos la película en nuestra base de datos, no olvides preguntar por la misma, tenemos más de 50.000 títulos.
Mendorock Media Inc.
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