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God´s Waiting List

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Título alterno:
(La Lista de Espera de Dios)
God´s Waiting List
A gritty, heartfelt drama about a brother and sister who both start out with the American Dream of running their own business and being successful. Teresa goes about this dream in a good way, meaning she works hard and treats people right. Her brother, Solomon, is a hustler who borrows money from loan sharks to open a music store. When he doesnt pay, the sharks come after him, but it´s his sister who ends up in a wheelchair. She doesn´t know it was her brother´s fault. The film follows how Solomon descends on a downward spiral while losing faith in everything, while Teresa becomes a stronger person as her faith increases. She eventually learns it was his fault, and they must come to terms and make amends.
Nota: Si no tenemos la película en nuestra base de datos, no olvides preguntar por la misma, tenemos más de 50.000 títulos.
Mendorock Media Inc.
Estamos en:
Av. Sucre #849 Entre Pichincha y Jenaro Sanjinés
La Paz, Bolivia