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Bee Gees - This Is Where I Came In - The Official Story of t

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(Bee Gees - This Is Where I Came In - The Official Story of t)
Bee Gees - This Is Where I Came In - The Official Story of t
The DVD version of this title runs an additional 30 mins (plus extras)and considering some of the waffle presented, I think I would have preferred the 90 min version made for TV. It´s telling that by the time the narrative reaches the title song, the film-makers provide multiple endings. Of course, the brothers Gibb are talented record-breaking singer-songwriters, however superlative testimony become tedious real quick.
Nota: Si no tenemos la película en nuestra base de datos, no olvides preguntar por la misma, tenemos más de 50.000 títulos.
Mendorock Media Inc.
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