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Buen Tiempo

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(Good Time - Bom Comportamento)
Buen Tiempo
Después de que el robo chapucero de un banco acabe con su hermano pequeño en prisión, Constantine Nikas (Robert Pattinson) se embarca en una odisea a través del mundo subterráneo de la ciudad en un intento, tan desesperado como peligroso, por conseguir el dinero de la fianza para poder sacar a su hermano de la cárcel. Motivated by an almost ferocious love for his intellectually disabled brother, Nick, and an explosive mix of desperation and thirst for a better life, the abrasive and fledgeling criminal, Connie, involves his sibling in an ill-conceived bank robbery that swears to be a quick and easy job. Instead, things go utterly wrong, and Nick will wind up in Rikers Island after one unanticipated complication, forcing the desperate but determined Connie to embark on a nightmarish, no-holds-barred quest to bail Nick out. Inevitably, over the course of a long and violent night, Connie will go to great lengths to save Nick from a cruel fate, doomed, however, to do more harm than good. Is it all heading somewhere? RATINGS: IMDB: 7.4 FILMAFFINITY: 6.8 INFORMACION ADICIONAL: - CALIDAD DE AUDIOS: INGLES 5.1 - EDICION ORIGINAL Y MENU ORIGINALES - PG-13 - GENEROS Y SUBGENEROS: Thriller | Cine independiente USA. Robos & Atracos - SCREEN: Widescreen EXTRAS: SI.
Espanol Latino,Ingles
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Mendorock Media Inc.
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