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The Host

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(La huesped - A Hospedeira)
The Host
La Tierra ha sido invadida por unos seres que se alojan en el cuerpo de los hombres y controlan sus mentes. Para Wanderer, la criatura que habita el cuerpo de Melanie, no es fácil acostumbrarse a soportar emociones, sentimientos y recuerdos demasiado intensos, pero la principal dificultad consiste en que Melanie lucha por conservar el control de su mente llenándola con recuerdos de Jared, el hombre que ama. La intensidad de estos sentimientos domina hasta tal punto a Wanderer que acaba deseando a un hombre al que jamás ha visto. Una serie de circunstancias, hacen que ambas, muy a su pesar, se alíen y partan en busca del hombre amado. Adaptación de la novela de Stephenie Meyer, autora de la saga de "Crepúsculo" -Twilight-. A race of aliens who are non corporeal go from planet to planet looking for hosts. They come to Earth and basically take over human bodies. Now it's believed that once they take over a body all memories of the previous inhabitant are gone. And there are some humans who have remain hidden from them and are basically a resistance movement. So an alien charged with locating them known as the Seeker captures one of them a girl named Melanie and puts one of them who is known as Wanderer in her body, in hopes of finding out where the humans are. But Melanie for some reason is still there and she convinces Wanderer not to say anything to Seeker. Wanderer feels empathy for the humans. When Seeker is disappointed at her lack of progress, she informs Wanderer that she'll be removed and placed in a new host and she will be placed in Melanie. Melanie knowing she can't convince her the way she convinced Wanderer convinces Wsnderer to run away and they can meet with the humans. Eventually they find... ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PREMIOS: 1 win & 1 nomination. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- WEB OFICIAL: http://www.thehostlapelicula.com/
Espanol Latino
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Mendorock Media Inc.
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