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La Mujer de Paja

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Título alterno:
(Woman of Straw - Mulher de Palha)
La Mujer de Paja
Charles Ritchmon, un magnate inglés de las finanzas que lleva años inmovilizado en una silla de ruedas, contrae matrimonio con su enfermera María. La boda la han tramado la propia Maria y Anthony, un sobrino del millonario: si Ritchmon sufre una nueva crisis cardíaca, María heredará una colosal fortuna, y su cómplice recibirá un millón de libras. Durante un crucero por el Mediterráneo, Charles fallece. Para legitimar el testamento, María y Anthony simulan que el magnate sigue vivo hasta su llegada a Londres; pero, inesperadamente, la policía entra en juego. A ruthless tycoon, whom his nephew (Anthony "Tony" Richmond) hates as he had both deprived his father of half of the family business and had (after his father had committed suicide) married his mother. A nurse (Maria) from a poor Italian family, is initially hired to care for the tycoon. She initially dislikes him because he abuses his employees. Tony convinces Maria to persist in his employ, however, telling her that he plans to bequeath his entire (50 million pound) fortune to charity. He plans to help her marry him, then to help him change his will, and (perhaps) then to help her achieve her inheritance...all for a payoff of 1 million pounds. PUNTAJES: IMDB: 6.8 INFORMACION ADICIONAL: - CALIDAD DE AUDIOS: INGLES 2.0 - EDICION ORIGINAL Y MENU ARMADO - PG-13 (Sugiere la compañía de un adulto para los menores de 13 años) - GENEROS Y SUBGENEROS: Intriga. Drama - SCREEN: Widescreen
Espanol Latino
Nota: Si no tenemos la película en nuestra base de datos, no olvides preguntar por la misma, tenemos más de 50.000 títulos.
Mendorock Media Inc.
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Av. Sucre #849 Entre Pichincha y Jenaro Sanjinés
La Paz, Bolivia