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Baby Looney Tunes - Vol. 2 - Let´s Play Pretend

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(Baby Looney Tunes - Vol. 2 - Let´s Play Pretend)
Baby Looney Tunes - Vol. 2 - Let´s Play Pretend
PLAYDAY PALS. Seeing a big, bright yellow school bus gets the gang dreaming about School Daze and they all prepare by playing show-and-tell, practicing a fire drill and riding an imaginary school bus of their own! Granny buts Bugs in charge when she goes up to her room and the wily bunny must solve the mystery of some spooky sounds in Things That Go Bump in the Night. Baby Sylvester gets sidetracked while playing hide-and-seek and eats a whole jar of cookies. When he confesses to his friends, they invent a fib about The Creature from the Chocolate Chip! After all that, boredom sets in ? until Granny saves the day with a giant Card Bored Box...and the preschoolers´ imaginations take flight from there.
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Mendorock Media Inc.
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Av. Sucre #849 Entre Pichincha y Jenaro Sanjinés
La Paz, Bolivia